Grifon Incorporated


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                          Phone: (603) 686-0240   Email:


Last updated on 05/08/2024


March 22 & 23, 2025

Baltimore Antique Arms Show

We will be present at the Tables B-10,11 with many items not displayed or listed before.

If there are any items previously listed or displayed that you wish to view,

we will fetch them along if you will contact us at

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THE OTHER MR. CHURCHILL: A lifetime of shooting and murder.

$ 40.00 $ 80.00


Hastings, Macdonald


Dodd, Mead, New York

Publish Date


Catalog No.


Robert Churchill almost single-handedly developed the science of forensic ballistics, tying a specific gun to a bullet fired from it.

This book, by Macdonald Hastings tells the story of Churchill's life and traces the advances in ballistics.

It formed the basis of a fascinating TV series in the 1960s, but are no doubt lost forever.

It is well-written by an author who understands the subject well and brings the subject to life.

If you have an interest in forensics or ballistics this is recommended as a very good read.